Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arbor Pintail GT!!!!

Arbor Pintail GT.  

I have had it for a few months now and I really enjoy every time I take that first push on this board because it has such a smooth ride (with gullwing charger trucks and Bio-urethane black Arbor slalom style wheels)  to it but also has enough flex to have fun and do whatever you want on it.  I really love bombing hills with this board, mainly because I get so much speed on hills it is so much fun and makes you feel so free and every time I get a chance to go out and bomb so hills, hell yeah im taking the Arbor Pintail GT... when I get to go out on this board I get the feeling of what I truly love about being on a longboard and that is just that amazing "free" feeling it just takes me to my own place and it relieves me of any stress or anything bad on my mind and just makes me feel so great.  so in my own truthful opinion I LOVE the Arbor Pintail GT, its AMAZING for bombing hills and for even the every day free rider and college student, ideal for getting from point A to point B fast, safe, and free (after the cost of the board.) so if you are considering buying this board, definitely go out and grab one for your self and have fun! be safe and wear your helmets and pads 
                                                                - Anthony

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